Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mother Tan

Describe an event in which someone you knew spoke non-standard English or maybe you yourself have had such an experience. In any case, in what ways did the use of non-standard English affect the person or you? What lessons about language did the experience teach you?

When I was 14 until I was sixteen, I worked the summers away at my father's farm in the mint fields. I did a lot of hoeing and planting. This is really where I had an encounter with people who aren't really familiar with our culture. I got to work with women who had just crossed the Mexico borders, some who had been there for a few years, and some who had lived in America from the time they were young. At this time, I had been taking Spanish classes in high school. It was pretty fun for me and I thought I was learning a lot. I won't have a problem talking with these people, I thought. But I was in for a surprise. The first day I got there, the head women of the crew asked me if I knew Spanish. I said a little. She laughed and said in pretty good english that this would be a good time for me to really get it in me. I laughed nervously. The leader, Maria, was one of the only women who knew English. I made good friends with her and she and I came up with an agreement. We were going to have Spanish days, (where we would speak only Spanish) and English days, (where I would attempt to teach them some basic English). It was quite interesting. The first few days were hard, but after a few weeks it was getting easier. Granted, on Spanish days I wouldn't say much, but I would listen and after a while I was starting to pick out words I knew in their daily conversations, and I always asked what something meant when they would use the same word over and over. It even got to the point that when I wasn't working, I would dream in Spanish! I really began to love the women I worked with and could see their kind hearts in everything they did. Maria almost became like a second mom. 
During this experience, I really began to see the beauty of another people. My eyes were opened to the fact that God made all kinds of people, each with their own unique qualities and wonder. 
I know I'll remember those days as long as I live, even though I never really still have liked Spanish that much. However, I do appreciate it.