Thursday, January 20, 2011

How do I relate to God? - With perspectives presented in "The Shack"

“How do we relate to God? Clearly Scripture portrays God as holy and just. We speak of grace but the issue of sin, as breaking the Law of God, is ever before us. If God is so holy that he cannot look at sin, how is it possible to know him in any real way?”

 At first glance, these questions are very intimidating. The first question is really making me take a step back and examine how I truly relate to my creator. I know that first off, my relationship with God is more personal than any of my other relationships with people. He made me, He knows me better than anyone else could and also knows me better I know myself. So sometimes, this can be intimidating. I find myself trying to cover some of my flaws and try to overlook them so I am more like Him. Or at least so I look more like Him. But in essence, this is flawed. The only way to be more like God is to give Him all of my failures and fears and surrender to Him. This way He can work in me and make me someone new.
     Also God truly is to me a father. He is also my best friend. Always there. Never failing. When I have no strength, He has more than enough. When I am drowning in regret because of my sin, He is merciful and just to forgive me, plus He shows me the way He wants me to live.
    In relation with the shack, Mack's point of view with God is very different. I think for one thing, its hard to see God as a loving father for him, because his own father was an alcoholic and died when he was young. Mack tries to ignore this part in his life and just keep it buried. I think though, at one point that his relationship with God was strong, he probably did cling to God as his father instead. However, after his little girl is murdered, he lets a rift between him and God. The book never states that he blames God, but perhaps subconsciously he does. So he ignores all of God's promptings to spend time with him on a personal level. He still goes to church, he still says he believes in God, but it is harder for him to connect with God personally because of all the hardships he has experienced.
       Now for the second question: How can we have a relationship with God if God cannot stand sin? The answer that comes to my mind is Jesus. It says in John 14:6  that no one comes to the father except through Jesus. He is our mediator. He took our sin, so we could come to the father blameless and have a personal relationship with Him.


  1. Amanda this is really well done. I love your perspective and honesty about how vulnerable opening up to God can be. I think you have a really good perspective on the story and main character. And nice job on the scripture reference!

  2. Do you find you still try to look like God? In what ways do you try?

  3. Um yes. Probably more like Jesus, and in the realm of His compassion. I really want to be a loving, compassionate person who cares for others above myself. But it definitely is a struggle at times, and I have to ask the Lord for strength to do this everyday.

  4. The book never states that he blames God, but perhaps subconsciously he does. So he ignores all of God's promptings to spend time with him on a personal level.


    This is a good observation of the dynamics between Mack and God. How would you approach an individual who has had a difficult relations hip with God due to life's past experiences? For example, how could you share hope with someone who is angry with God?
